Maciej Wasser

I have a diverse professional background that includes project management, research consulting, and investment. While programming was initially a complementary skill, it has now become my main career focus, which I thoroughly enjoy. I have a particular interest in web 3.0 and blockchain technologies. I am proactive in seeking new opportunities to expand my skills and apply my knowledge to drive innovation and business growth. I am fluent in both Polish and English.

Investor, Freelance

2018 - present
  • Independently managed a diverse portfolio of financial assets, employing investment strategies for consistent outcomes.
  • Got familiarity with blockchain technology and Web 3.0 technologies
  • Constructed GPU mining rigs for cryptocurrencies, focusing on optimal performance and energy efficiency.
  • Performed maintenance and repairs on components, handled basic Linux distributions.
  • Set up and operated Helium miners for for utilization in blockchain technology.

Project Manager, Contract

  • Led the launch of a new gastronomic concept, from ideation to execution
  • Coordinated a team of professionals and subcontractors, ensuring timely and high-quality work
  • Directed the budget, monitoring expenses and ensuring cost-effectiveness
  • Maintained communication with investors, providing status updates and addressing concerns
  • Negotiated terms with vendors and stakeholders, resulting in cost savings and improved project outcomes

Research Consultant in VR Startup, Dreams VR

  • Conducted market research to identify potential applications for the product in order to participate in the NCBR project
  • Delivered product presentations to potential clients and investors, communicating the product's value proposition and features
  • Prepared for joint research projects with universities
  • Optimized the product to meet the needs of specific target audiences
  • Collaborated on marketing initiatives, building brand awareness

Psychology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University


During my studies, I became deeply interested in neuropsychology, specifically hemispatial neglect and Locked-in Syndrome. I was fascinated by Owen's research on communication abilities in locked-in syndrome patients. This led me to explore how brain damage affects perception, cognition, and behavior in relation to different neuropsychological disorders. I successfully led the neuropsychology section of science club and participated in numerous conferences and interesting initiatives.

Psychology, University of Szczecin


Navigation, Maritime Academy in Szczecin


Spending time outdoors and exploring nature provides me with an opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and recharge my energy. Additionally, I tinker with my car as a hobby. The sense of accomplishment that comes from diagnosing and fixing mechanical issues brings me a lot of satisfaction. It honed my attention to detail and troubleshooting abilities with hands-on experience. Recently during my vacations, I took on a timber-frame house project that I'm building for myself.